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SWF Supports United Way of Dane County at Centennial Celebration

Posted March 3, 2023

SWF at United Way Centennial Celebration

As a proud partner of the United Way of Dane County, Springs Window fashions is dedicated to building a strong, vibrant community. For over 40 years, Springs has hosted a United Way Campaign each year to offer the opportunity for associates to give through donations or payroll deductions. In 2023, United Way of Dane County celebrated 100 years of community service and Springs was on hand to join the celebration.

Thanks to more than 20,000 individuals and 500 businesses across Dane County, our community was able to raise $18 million during the 2022 Community Fundraising Campaign with United Way of Dane County. And an additional $24.6 million was raised through Centennial efforts!

United Way of Dane County hosted a Centennial Celebration, with nearly 900 community members gathering at the Monona Terrace. As a Centennial Sponsor, Springs Window Fashions attended the event represented by several associates who contributed to the success of the campaign, including two of our past Loaned Executives, Char Lodl (far left) and Linda Mazerek (second from right).

Thanks to all associates who support United Way through donations or volunteer activities throughout the year!